
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Following the recommendation of its advertising agency, a company modified its current advertising campaign to include a famous celebrity as a way of enticing consumers to pay attention. Yet market research has challenged the wisdom of doing this because its advertising became less, not more, effective. Why might this result have happened?

Following the recommendation of its advertising agency, a company modified its current advertising campaign to include a famous celebrity as a way of enticing consumers to pay attention.  Yet market research has challenged the wisdom of doing this because its advertising became less, not more, effective.  Why might this result have happened?

One of the promotional tool that company can use to help them promote their product is using celebrity in their advertisement campaign.It is effective as increase help consumer maintain existing consumer or expand to gather more customer in the market and increase company sales. However, it soed not mean using celebrity in their advertisement campaign is always effective , sometime it can make the advertisement become less , not more, effective because of using celebrity.The several reason that is shown below.

First of all, using celebrity in the advertisement will carry the additional risk of being so attention-getting that people forget to focus on the message of the ad itself. Celebrity having very powerful attention-getting device may negatively impact on consumers' ability to process the claims of the ad. For instance, if a person's thoughts are focused on a celebrity or attractive endorser, there may be no more short-term memory capacity left to scrutinize the ad claim. Therefore, they will neglect the main objective of company want to promote the product.

Futhermore,a consumer may find the celebrity endorser or other attention-getting device distasteful, leading to negative affect being transferred to the brand. For example,if  a company use a celebrity  that are distasteful to the people as their spokeperson or in the advertisement , most of people will ignored or not pay any attention toward the advertisement that related to the celebrity. Overall, this lead to the advertisement becomes less effective.

Moreover, celebrities who having scandal around them and is used by the company in the advertisement will make the advertisement became less effective. Consumer will having negative attitude toward the celebrity and this will then pass to the brand too. So, they may not even want to pay any attention toward the advertisement. Take the example of Wayne Rooney; his sex-filled tryst with nightclub prostitutes did not do any good to any of his current and prospective endorsements. Therefore, for those people who feel Wayne Ronney is bad, they will then not pay any attention toward the advertisement that is related to him. This will then directly affect the company sales.

Lastly, the celebrity that are used in the advertisement is does not have any linkage. Therefore, even you can remember the celebrity but you are hardly having a image association toward the product advertisement. For example, Michael Jordan is a sportperson celebrity and is used in a facial advertisement.This seem no linkage ,so even people can remember Micheal Jordan but they are hardly build the link it toward the facial advertisement. This is explain why  sometime it will be ineffective to use a celebrity in the company advertisement campaign.   


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