(Consumer Behavior) Chapter 7: Demographics, Psychographics, and
Demographic is
the size, structure and distribution of population. Marketer use demographic
analysis as market segmentation description and analysis the trend. Also, it
can used to predict consumer demand for specific product.
For marketer the
not only need to know consumer mind and they need to know consumer’s consumer
mind too. The reason is because the industry demand is come from the consumer
demand. For example, a company who are the chicken seller, they provide the
chicken to a chicken rice stall owner. Then they need not only concern about
the demand for the chicken rice stall owner, it need also concern the demand
from the end user which is the consumer who purchase the chicken rice. The
reason is because if the demand for the chicken rice changes, it will directly
affect the sale for the chicken rice stall, which indirectly affect the demand
for company who sell the chicken.
Economic resource
Income is
defines as money come from wage, salaries, welfare and interest. Income will
determined what consumer will think will happen in future and their confident.
Consumer confident then will determine how much debt consumer willing to carry.
It is the
consumer net worth. Wealth influence consumer to spend but not necessary the
ability to spend but not really the ability to spend, the reason is because
some of the net worth is not liquid, therefore consumer unable to spend it easily.
For example, house, car.
confident will directly affect the consumer consumption and whether they want
to increase their debt or reduce their debt.
For marketer, it
is important for them to measure the consumer confident , they then can used it
to design their marketing strategic such as how much inventory they need and
the promotion budget.
It is the unique psychological makeup, which will influence how consumer respond to the environment.
Psychoanalytic theory
It defines as the emotional and behavioural characteristics of an individual,
group, or activity.
Human consist of
Id, ego, superego. Personality is the conflict between satisfy the physical
need and the need that can contribute to the society.
It is the
component of personality that present from birth. Id is all the source of
physic energy and is driven by pleasure principle. Id will make people want to
satisfy their need immediately, if they can’t fulfill their need immediately ,
they will become tension. For example, when people hungry they need to find
food to fulfill their hunger and when people feel thirst, they may find drink
to quench their thirst.
The Id is very
important for children , because due to they unable to talk, they are suing cry
to express themselves that they are hungry until all their need is fulfill.
But, it is not possible to satify all
desire or person need. Due to we are rule by law , we cannot do
something that is socially unacceptable. For example, people are grabbing away
the thing they want from a person hand to help them satisfy their need. This is
the primary process, in order to resolve their tension, id forming their own
mental image that is used to satisfy their need.
It is the
component of personality that is dealing to the reality. Ego is creating to
ensure the impulsive of id can be express in the manner that can match the
world expectation. Ego wills analysis the benefit and cost of an action before
doing it. For ego, it can satisfy the need for Id through delay
satisfication.This mean the id can fulfill their need no immediately but in the
appropriate time and place. In the secondary process, ego remove the tension
crease by id in the primary process. It find the real object in the world to
match well toward the mental image create by the primary process.
Super ego
It is the last
component of personality. It hold all the internalize moral standard and it
usually come from both parents and society (it show our sense of right and
wrong). Superego will the provide a guideline for people to make judgment.
There 2 parts
for super ego.
Firstly , ego
ideal that include the rule for behavior. These behavior usually approval by
both the parental and other authority figure. People obey those rule will make
them feel better, pride and value.
Secondly, the conscience
includes the information about the thing that are view bad by the parent or
society. The bad behavior will lead to bad consequence and punishment .The
superego let people act prefect behavior .It is occur in conscious, pre-conscious
and unconscious.
There will be conflict between ego, superego and id .Therefore,
Freud develop ego strength to determined the ability to function. A person with
good ego strength able to manage their pressure effectively. While those with
too much will be too unyielding and too less will be too destructive.
Sociopsychology theory
Recognition from relationship between both individual
and society. Individual express their desire meet the society need and society
helps individual to meet their person goal. Social variables are used to
shaping consumer personality.
Person who buy the product that symbolize those
unattainable or unacceptable goal are usually known as fulfill some
subconscious “Forbidden desire”.
Trait factor theory
Market planning need to understand about
consumer traits, which is made up of personality. They are different yet
common. It is useful for marketing strategists in developing brand personality.
Brands may be character as modern, fun, or old fashion.
consumer behaviour
marketer who uses research to find the relationship between personality and
consumer behaviour. Marketer can used the personality to predict the brand and
store consumer prefer, but the result will be poor because it is just one
component of the consumer decision making process out of all other component.
Market segmentation
Market segmentation is the division of a
market into distinct groups of buyers. Every buyer has his or her individual
needs and behaviour. Marketer uses market segmentation as a means of
identifying potential buyers because no company can possibly serve the entire
customers. Since different segment have different need, marketers can use
segmentation to know the need of individual segmentation and create separate
product for each segment to fulfil their needs. Thus, this can increase firm
profit margins and profitability.
VALS2 suggest that consumer buy the good
and service that can fulfil their characteristic preference and satisfy their
Primary motivated by ideal, achievement, and self
Consumer who are primary motivated by ideal
is guide by knowledge and priniciple.Consumer primary motivated by achievement
that look for product and good that can demonstrate their success. Consumer who
are primary motivate by self expression desire by social and physical activity
and risk.
Value is representing the consumer belief their life and
accept their behaviour. It represents 3 requirements: Biological needs,
necessity that for social interaction and demand for group survival.
Value expresses the goals that motivate people
and the appropriate way for people to attain the goals.
Personal value
Social value is meaning the normal behavior
that for a society.Personal value is mean the normal behavior that for an
individual. Personal value is the individual choice make from variety social
values to which they exposed.
Lifestyle concepts
Lifestyle mean the pattern of the consumer
live, spending time and money. It also reflect the A.I.O as well as demographic
variable. Since lifestyles is change readily, marketer will then develop the
marketing strategic current.
It is an operation technique that measure the lifestyles.
It is provide the quantity measures and can be used as sample that can used for
dentition of market segments. Also, qualitative measure such as in depth
Demographic profile is who used the product.
Then psychographic focus on the why they buy the product.
There are successful, complicated and high self
esteem. They have rich resource, so they have all 3 primary motivations. They
are change leader and they like new idea and technologies. They are active
customer and their purchase reflect cultivated tasted upper class product.
Image are important to them because they want to express their taste. From
their hobby and asset that will cultivated they have finer thing in their life.
They are
primary motivation by ideal. They are mature, satisfied and comfortable with
person who has responsibility and knowledge. They are well educated and are the
one who search for information in the decision making. They are well informed
with the national events. Thinker accept new idea. Even thought, their income
allow them to have variety of choice but due to they are old fashion; they will
buy the durable and functional product.
They are motivated by the ideal. They are
conservative and conventional person who belief based on traditional code such
as family, nation and religious. They are easily to predictable and they love
only the brand they familiar and are loyalty customer.
They are achieving by the achievement. They
have goal-oriented and loyal to family and career. Their social life reflects
they focus on family and career. They have many need and want, so they are
active market. Image for them is important; they are buying the product that is
demonstrating their success. They are busy in their life, so they need time
saving product.
Striver is motivated by achievement. They are
concern for the opinion and approval from others. Money is the one will help
them reflect their successful, but because they are not enough so they unable
to meet their own desire. They prefer job than career. Lack of skill will
prevent them to move ahead. They love shopping because it is the activities
that show their social activity and demonstrate they have the ability to spend.
They will be impulsive consumer when their financial situation allowed.
They are young, impulsive and enthusiastic
consumer. They will like are quick respond to the thing they like but also
quickly to cool. They like new and offbeat product. They are active in both
social and physical activity. They willing spend most of their income on
fashion, entertainment. From what they purchase, it can show they are like cool
They are motivated by the self expression. They
like to expose the world and experience by work on it. Such as build the home
and raise the children by themselves. They have useful skill and live in
traditional family background and have little interest to the news outside
world. They prefer value than luxury.
Survival live usually focused their live. They
have few resources, so they always think that the world is changing too
quickly. They like familiar product and like security and safety. They prefer
the meeting the needs rather than fulfill the desire, so they do not have
strong primary motivation. They love familiar brand and especially when they
have discount.
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