
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Business Information System (Chapter 3)

BIS Chapter 3

Knowledge Workers
People who spend most of their workday creating, using, and distributing information.
Information Technology
Computer hardware and software, networks, data management, and other technologies.
Information System
A system that uses people, hardware, software, and network resources to collect, transform and disseminate information within an organisation.
Computer-based Information System
An information system that uses computers and their hardware and software.
End Users
Anyone who uses an information system or the information it produces.
A group of inter-related components with a clearly defined boundary working together (processing inputs and producing outputs) toward the attainment of a common goal.
A set of instructions for computers
Policies and Procedures
A set of instructions for people.
Types of Information Systems
Information systems can be classified into operations, management and other categories.
IS Specialists
People who develop and operate information systems.

1.         What are the four (4) main features of a system (excluding control and feedback)?
·         Transformation
·         Outputs
·         Inputs
·         Boundary

2.      What are Information Systems?
Information systems are information processing and storage (and retrieval) systems.  That is, information goes into information systems and then it is processed, or stored or retrieved, and information comes out.  The term information is used somewhat generically here - in a later learning unit we will distinguish between data, information, a knowledge.  

3.      What does the acronym ICT refer to and how is it different from just IT?
ICT refers to information and communication technology, which is somewhat more general than just information technologies, e.g. communication technologies include the traditional phone system (although these days an increasing number of phone calls are using computers and networks, i.e. information technologies).  These days the acronym ICT is just as widely used as IT and is just as much an umbrella term.

4.      What is "ICT Infrastructure" (or TI)?
"ICT Infrastructure" (or TI)  refers to the information and communication technology infrastructure, i.e. the hardware, networks, operating systems, communications, etc. that support the operation of the information systems.


  1. Cheers for the post. Very useful.

  2. By connecting CRM System to Sales & Lead Management System, you will be able to nurture your leads better and get more comprehensive sales reports

